I made this sign and intended on emailing it to the grandparents, but having to work and being so busy when I came home from work, I never got the chance to email it. Grandma and Grandpa, we hope you had a wonderful Valentine's. Here is your Valentine from Sophie.
Grandma Reed gave Sophie this cute Valentine shirt. I wanted to get some pictures of her in her Valentine shirt, but she didn't want to cooperate. The first two pictures I took she had her eyes closed, but I thought this picture was so cute.
Grandma Reed gave Sophie this cute Valentine shirt. I wanted to get some pictures of her in her Valentine shirt, but she didn't want to cooperate. The first two pictures I took she had her eyes closed, but I thought this picture was so cute.
As I said, she didn't want to cooperate and smile for me, so here's another funny picture of my cute Valentine.
My two favorite Valentines. We bought Sophie a balloon and some balls for her Valentine gift. She needed something fun to play with.
Our fancy dinner setting. We had sparkling cider, the other cup has the mousse in it and Rita made heart shaped eclairs for us. I gave Rita and her family some of the mousse since it made more than we needed to eat. The eclairs were amazing!
Jon surprised me with these beautiful tulips and the BBC movie Little Dorrit. When I came home from work, I found the flowers and movie sitting on the kitchen counter. Jon told me that Sophie decided that she wanted to get me something, so they bought me flowers. I love tulips, so they were the perfect gift. Jon also gave me the BBC movie Bleak House both movies are originally books by Charles Dickens. I highly recommend the movies if you like old English movies. I gave Jon a game that he ordered for himself, Forbidden Island, and I bought him another card expansion to Killer Bunnies, the Chocolate Bunny set and his favorite heart shaped Reese's Peanut Butter cups.