Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Nick!

Monday, June 23, 2008
The bruise!
This is a little silly to do a post, but I thought I'd do it anyway. Last Tuesday, Jon and I decided it was time for a little spring cleaning. Our blinds desperately needed to be cleaned, so I started the task while Jon was at the dentist. I should have waited for his help, because I got injured while cleaning the first set of blinds. I figured the blinds would be easier to clean if I took them down and laid them on a sheet. When I went to take the blinds down, all of the wood slats fell out. Obviously the men who put them in when the house was built didn't put the slats in correctly. Anyway, I left the slats out and put the bar that the blinds hang on back up. I didn't latch it back in, so it was still a little loose. A little while later, I had forgotten that I'd loosened the blinds and I pulled the string to make the blinds go up and the whole thing fell on my arm. The bar came tumbling down right on my arm and left a beautiful bruise. I couldn't believe how tender the bruise was. I thought it was quite and impressive bruise, so I had Jon take a picture of my arm. Needless to say, I had Jon help me with cleaning the rest of the blinds. Everyone has been giving Jon a bad time about beating up on me. Thank goodness he'd never really do that.
My birthday!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Lukes came to visit!
Jacob watching Jon & Hannah play the Wii.
Our friends the Lukes came to visit for a few days. We had a great time having them at our house. They took a two and a half week vacation, and we were lucky enough to be one of their stops along the way. They got to our house late Wednesday evening, and they left around 2:00 today. Thursday morning I had to work, but I was told I didn't miss much. We went to the mall later that afternoon, so Hannah could ride the carousel. She thoroughly enjoyed it and wanted to ride a second time, but this time on the kitty. I was lucky enough to be the one to ride with her the second time. It was quite a fun carousel ride! It rained and rained while they were here. Thursday we had a huge storm come through. We even had tornado warnings, but luckily one never came through. Brent, Cami, Jon and I played Settlers and Ticket to Ride a couple of times, and we put lots of hours in playing the Wii. Jon broke down and bought a Wii a week ago, so he and Brent had a great time playing. Cami and I got our turns and we even got a little competition going. Hannah had a great time trying to shoot the balloons and Jacob loved laying on the floor watching everyone play. Jacob also learned how to roll over while at our house. He rolled over all by himself for the first time yesterday afternoon while his mom was out running. She missed the first time, but he did it again for her later that evening. I got sick Thursday evening with a cold, so I ended up not going in to work Friday morning. I've been training a new gal at work, so I hope she did okay. All in all, we had a great time with the Lukes. We sure miss having them close. We miss you guys and we're so glad you stayed with us for a few days. Now we'll get ready for the Bowdens visit in two weeks.