My sister had a fun post on her blog, and I thought it would be kind of fun to do the same for myself and others, who may not know much about how Jon and I met. Please feel free to do the same on your own blog, it would be fun to read about how you and your spouse met.
1. HOW DID YOU MEET YOUR SPOUSE? Jon and I met in a student ward at the University of Utah. My roommate Melanie, from Logan, had moved down to Salt Lake in May, after school was out. I didn't want to attend my family ward, so I attended her ward instead, and Jon just happened to be in her ward. We officially met at a party at Melanie's friend's apartment. One of the girls in our ward was a friend of Melanie's from high school, and she happened to be Jon's ex-girlfriend. They were still friends and he also happened to be at the party. He didn't ask me out for a couple of weeks. I think it was weeks?
2. WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST DATE? We went to dinner at the Olive Garden and then Jon took me to see Pearl Harbor the weekend it opened. I really wanted to see the movie, and he thought it was the perfect opportunity to ask me out on a date. I think he wondered about me, because I cried for a half an hour during the bombing scenes. In fact, he leaned over and asked me if I was okay, I was crying so much. Let's just say, the knee of my capris were slightly damp, from wiping my tears on my knee. I did cry just a bit!
3. HOW LONG DID YOU DATE BEFORE YOU GOT ENGAGED? We dated for a long six weeks. I know, it was quick.
4. HOW DID YOUR FIANCE PROPOSE? We decided to fast and then go to the temple to do baptisms to get an answer as to whether our decision to get married was right. After doing baptisms, Jon took me to dinner at Cafe Alecia in Bountiful. On the way home, he made a comment that made me really nervous, something about a surprise waiting for me. When we got to my house, there were a dozen roses on the coffee table in the living room. I was quite relieved when I saw my surprise. We hurried and changed our clothes, and then we went outside on the deck, in the rain. It had started raining on our way home, and I asked him if he had ever kissed in the rain. Once we had changed, we went out on the deck to kiss in the rain. The rain was falling in my eyes as I was kissing him, so I told him that. He knelt down and asked if that was better. I told him, if someone were to see us, they might wonder if he was asking me to marry him. He then asked, "Will you marry me?" My response was, "No way, no way!" I wasn't saying no, I was shocked. I had no idea he had any intention of asking me to marry him so soon, after all we'd only been dating for six weeks. Once I calmed down, he took the ring out of his pocket and it flew across the deck. Luckily the deck is covered with carpet, so it didn't fall through the cracks. I did finally say yes.
5. WHAT JOBS DID YOU TWO HAVE WHILE YOU WERE ENGAGED? I was working at a law firm, Ray, Quinney and Nebeker and Jon was teaching at LDS Business College and had recently been hired to teach at Weber State University.
7. HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU GOT MARRIED? I was 22 and he was 23 (he turned 24 exactly two weeks later)
8. WHEN DID YOU GET MARRIED? September 21, 2001
9. WHAT WERE YOUR COLORS? Navy blue and yellow
11. WHO WAS YOUR MAID OF HONOR? I didn't really have one. My sister Nicole, my cousin Adriana and my sister-in-law Heather were my bridesmaids.
12. WHERE WAS THE CEREMONY? Salt Lake Temple
14. DID YOU HAVE A SONG YOU DANCED TO AND WHAT WAS IT? Yes, we danced to There's No Way by Alabama.
15. DID ANYTHING GO WRONG AT THE WEDDING OR RECEPTION? Yes, I squished the cake on Jon's face. I wasn't going to do that, I prefer when people are nice, but Jon put a little too much cake in my mouth and when it was my turn, all I could hear was my brother-in-law telling me to smash it in Jon's face and I did. It wasn't that bad, he had a little frosting on his face and I had some on my hand, but my mom was not happy with me. That's what made it not so good.
16. WHAT CAR DID YOU LEAVE IN AND WHAT DID IT LOOK LIKE? Jon's car had something wrong with it, so it was in the shop getting fixed. My car was nicer, so we didn't want to use it because we didn't want it to get ruined. Well, just before we got married something happened to my car and we couldn't use it. My dad was kind enough to let us borrow his car. Because we had my dad's car, my brothers-in-law didn't dare touch it. My brother, sister and cousin couldn't let well enough alone, so the drove the car home and decorated it with butter, ketchup and mustard. It stunk! We had to take it to a car wash, before we could go to our hotel. Thanks so much Nick, Nicole and Adriana.
17. WHERE DID YOU GO FOR YOUR HONEYMOON? We didn't have much of a honeymoon. We got married on Friday and had to be to work and school on Monday. We spent our wedding night at the Inn on Temple Square which is no longer there and then we spent the second night at a bed and breakfast in Midway called the Inn on the Creek. Two weeks later was conference weekend, so we went up to Jon's grandpa's cabin for the weekend. The cabin was close to Jackson Hole, so we spent a day in Jackson and another day in Yellowstone.
18. WHAT WAS YOUR MOST MEMORABLE MOMENT? This is a tough one, but I think it would have to be the ceremony. Although, I really enjoyed the time we had to wait in the Celestial room. Jon asked me while we were waiting, if I was going to say yes. I told him I was going to wait until we were in the room with all of our family to say no. Of course I was going to say yes. I also enjoyed dancing with my dad. I don't think I'll ever forget that.
19. WOULD YOU HAVE CHANGED ANYTHING IF YOU COULD? No, it was the perfect day, other than the cake issue!
20. HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN MARRIED? We just hit seven and a half years.