Last Saturday we finally got some pictures taken. I've wanted some fall pictures for our Christmas cards this year. The weather in October was terrible (cold and rainy) although the leaves were bright and colorful. November so far has proven to be a very nice month. The past week and a half has been absolutely beautiful. I was so glad when Saturday proved to be one of the best days for pictures. We actually had time and the weather was great for once (very little wind). Jon thoroughly enjoyed having his picture taken. It is always his most favorite thing to do. He was a sport and he actually survived the 20 minutes it took us to get several pictures. Thanks to our friend Rita, she got some fun pictures, fun poses and it didn't take too long. I have been enjoying the nice weather so much. It truly has brightened my spirit the last week or so. I have been in such a happy mood lately and I just feel so full of life. The past two days I've been a little more tired than usual, but the sunshine continues to brighten my soul. I love it when I feel so happy and alive. While I was at church on Sunday, I realized that life is good. I may not be perfect but as long as I am trying that is all that matters. I am really trying to have a new outlook on life and about myself. I hope each of you is enjoying the ups and downs of your own life. Life isn't easy, but there sure is a lot of good!