The first week of August we got to go on our first vacation since Jon was diagnosed with cancer. It was a much needed get away and we had a great time. Our bishop and his family have a cabin in Wisconsin, and they invited us to go and stay with them for a week. Unfortunately, we weren't able to stay the entire week, we had to come home early for Jon's last chemo treatment. Also his mom and dad were coming to see us. We drove up Friday afternoon and came home Monday night. We had a wonderful time! It was so rejuvenating to get away and forget about cancer and chemo for a few days.

The cabin is right on the lake. We could walk out into the yard, down the stairs and be right on the dock. It was absolutely beautiful! Bishop Cragun has a boat, so he took us out on the boat several times. He took a few photos of Sophie all decked out and ready for boating. She looked so cute in her life jacket. I know it wasn't her favorite thing to wear, but she was such a sport about wearing it, she never cried or complained.

Jon wasn't quite feeling up to getting in the lake, so Sophie and I jumped in. This time, bishop stopped in the middle of the lake and we swam around. Sophie wasn't quite sure about being in the water with her life jacket on at first, but it didn't take her long to realize it was still fun just being int he water. I laid her on her back, so that she could float and she just giggled. Look at that cute smiley girl. She truly is my little fish. She loves to play in the water no matter where it is.

Enjoying a leisurely ride on the boat.

Jon felt pretty good over the weekend. He wasn't feeling up to getting in the water or to water ski, but he sure enjoyed riding in the boat, especially since it was over cast most of the time we were out. Jon doesn't like the sun too much, so he loved the cloudy days. Even though it was cloudy and cooler weather, the water temp was perfect. It only took about 3 seconds to acclimate to the temperature of the water and then it was all fun.

I am definitely not a water skiier, but I did actually get up. It took a few tries before I actually got up but I did get up. I've never gotten up and stayed up, so once I realized I wasn't going to fall, I got scared, because I've never gotten this far and I didn't know what to do or think, so I let the fear take over and I let go. I did get up again and again the same thing, more fear, so I didn't ski for much more than 20 seconds or so, but here is proof that I did actually get up. I would like to try again some other time to see if I can stay up and actually ski for a couple of minutes. The Craguns make it look so easy, and believe me, it isn't as easy at it looks. I was so sore that afternoon from skiing, I didn't try again the rest of the trip. I probably should have, but Jon kept reminding me that he had chemo coming up which meant me taking care of Sophie without his help and I wasn't too anxious to do that with sore muscles.
Our natural born boater. Sophie loved being on the boat. The first ride we went on, she was a little nervous when we'd turn, but otherwise she loved it. I think she loved feeling the wind on her face.

It's a little hard to tell from this picture that she was having a good time. I don't know why, but any time we had a camera around, she had this stone faced look. She actually looked like this most of the trip, but I know she had fun.

Yes, we did take her for a couple of rides on the waverunner. We didn't take any sharp turns although Jon did get up to 40 mph. I didn't go quite as fast when I drove, I only got up 32 mph. I must be a wimp, but it made me nervous having Sophie on the waverunner with us. Again, it was hard to tell if she was having fun, but she didn't cry so we assumed she was enjoying herself.

Monday, we took the tube out and Amy and Briana got quite a wild ride. Briana ended up falling off the tube. Bishop promised me that if I went with Sophie he wouldn't take us on quite as wild a ride. I couldn't tell if Sophie was having fun until the bishop sped up a little. Once he did that, Sophie wasn't too happy. She didn't cry but she began to wimper, so I signaled for him to slow down and once he did, Sophie started laughing. She seemed to really enjoy anything we did on the water. My arms got tired from holding myself up and keeping Sophie secure on the tube. I went for a bit of a quicker ride on my own once Sophie got off the tube. I didn't want to fall in, so we didn't take any crazy turns.

Playing in the lake close to the dock. Sophie had so much fun just splashing in the water. She splashed so hard she got both of us right in the face, but she thought it was funny. She's a brave girl, she doesn't let a little water in the face upset her. I've been amazed at how well she has done at the pool. She has fallen in the water a couple of times and it hasn't seemed to bother her. I've even dunked her a few times and she never gets water up her nose. I didn't dunk her in the lake, although she did try and stick her face in the lake. I didn't want lake water getting in her ears since she has ear tubes.

Bishop Cragun took this picture of Sophie and I just love it. This was the classic look for her the entire trip. I'm surprised he even got a picture of her looking at the camera. Lately if you try and take a picture of Sophie and she sees the camera she will look the other way and she won't look at you again until you put the camera away. Silly girl!

Relaxing in the hammock. We went to the little branch that was about 20 minutes away for church on Sunday. That afternoon we relaxed around the cabin and enjoyed the beauty around us. The weather was perfect and Sophie loved being outside. Later that evening we went for a walk and I think Jon was the only one who got mosquito bites. He said his only consolation is that he hopes the mosquitos will get his chemo blood and die. Maybe they are attracted to chemo blood, because Sophie and I didn't get any bites.

Swining in the hammock. I just love that little smile. Truly a picture perfect moment when you can catch your child experiencing true joy. She was having so much fun.

Sunday evening the sunset was so pretty and the sky was orange and pink. I just had to take some pictures, so I hurried and ran down to the dock and took a few pictures of the sunset over the lake. I didn't notice until I finished taking pictures, the bishop was sitting on one of the waverunners. He looked like he was busy looking at something, because he never even knew I was there. When he came in, we gave him a hard time about sitting on the waverunner on the Sabbath. He told us he was conducting church business. He was emailing the Relief Society president and his counselors.

Bishop Cragun also took these two pictures, but I loved them so much I had to share. The lodge pole pines reminded me of Island Park. It was so beautiful!

Just another picture of the lake.