It's hard to see, but he had a beard and mustache painted on him.
It was so cute!
We had a fun week this week. We carved pumpkins with our friends the Jeffreys on Monday. It was a little messy, but we sure had fun. I appreciated the help we got on drawing a face for our pumpkin. I haven't been very good about taking pictures this year, so I don't have a picture of our cute Jack-o-lantern. Wednesday evening was our wards Trunk-or-Treat. Jon and I decided we'd go for the first time. We usually don't go, because we don't have kids, but we thought it might be fun this year, plus it wasn't very cold. Jon handed out candy and I took my little buddy Tanner, who is the cute cowboy up above, around to get candy while his mom handed out candy. I don't know where his dad was, but I had fun with Tanner. Friday, we were invited to a Halloween party. We dressed up as a king and queen. Thanks Carrie for letting us borrow costumes. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture of us. I wanted to wait until after we took the kids trick-or-treating and by the time I got in the house, Jon had already changed. There were four other families, who all have kids and all of us went out with the kids trick-or-treating. It was kind of fun. Again, I had Tanner and by the last house, I kind of got him to say trick-or-treat. He's just learning to talk and it sounded close enough for me. We had a fun Halloween week. We hope all of you had a fun holiday also. I didn't get pictures of all the kids. I'm sure all of you know what it's like to get kids to cooperate for pictures, especially when they have a sack full of candy.
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