Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Fall pictures
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Time Out For Women
My Sweet Sister
Jon had a presidency meeting this evening at our house and so I thought I would read blogs while he was busy. It's been fun reading about all the fun things everyone has been up to. As I was reading my sister's blog, I thought I had read all of her posts and as I scrolled to the very end, I found this:
I want to introduce you all to my lovely sister Tara. I am so lucky to have such a great sister! Tara and I are 7 years apart however we have always been pretty close. Growing up Tara taught me a lot about life by her example. At age 15 Tara got very sick with ulcerative colitis and was in the hospital for months. At the time I was very young and didn't completely understand what she had to go through. I look back now and realize what a fighter she was. Her strength during that time still amazes me! As we got older Tara and I grew close and loved to spend time together shopping and just having fun together. One summer Tara invited my cousin and I to go to a FHE activity with her. We went and for the first time met Jon, the man who would later become the love of her life. Tara and Jon were married shortly after and have been happily married for nearly 8 years. After Tara completed school to become an x-ray technician their greatest dream was to start a family. Six years later they are still trying to fulfill that dream. A couple of months ago Jon and Tara were approved for adoption! We couldn't be happier for them and are anxiously awaiting the day that they welcome a beautiful baby into their loving arms! I know that they would be wonderful parents! Please keep them in mind if you know of anybody who is looking to place their baby for adoption. I have placed a link to their adoption profile on the sidebar of my blog.
Of course, I started to cry as I read the wonderful things my sweet sister had to say about me. I just want to thank her for thinking of Jon and I and putting a post about us and our wish to adopt. I also want to let all of you know what an amazing sister she is. I think she is the best, in fact I think she's almost perfect. Although she is 7 years younger than me, I look up to her a lot. She is such a great example to me. I miss our talks, shopping and hanging out. Happy belated Birthday, Lou!
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Happy Birthday Jon!
Monday, September 28, 2009
More fun with Tanner
Today Tanner connected two of the pieces together to make a ring and when he realized that it fit around his waist, he decided to use it as a hoola-hoop. I wanted to get a video of him trying to hoola-hoop and then have him say the word. The video is so cute, and sorry it's sideways, I couldn't figure out how to rotate it.
Mayo Clinic in Rochester
Fruits of our Labors
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Watching Tanner
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Labor Day
Minnesota State Fair
Monday, August 10, 2009
Crazy Kids!

Vegetable Garden
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Jon's New Baby!!!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Sibley Park
We're Home!!!
Go Carts
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
She is the newest addition to the Bowden family.