Monday September 21st was our 8th anniversary. I can't believe we have been married for eight years. Time has just flown by. It doesn't seem that long ago that these pictures were taken, but if you look closely you can tell it really has been a few years, we look a little older and have less hair. We have had our ups and downs, mostly ups and we have traveled, played, worked and enjoyed being married these past eight years. If you had asked us eight years ago, where we thought we would be today, living in Mankato with no kids isn't what I would have said. We long to have children, but we have truly enjoyed the journey that has brought us where we are today. We have had many fun adventures and we have made many wonderful friends along the way. We couldn't make it without our friends, they have become our family since we aren't able to live close to our families. Now we are waiting and hoping that someday soon we will be blessed with a beautiful baby to join our family.

I wanted to say a few things about my wonderful husband. First I wanted to tell him how much I love him. I have the best husband in the world. I know many of you think the same thing for yourselves, and that is how it should be. Jon is my best friend, my confidant, my companion, the love of my life, my shoulder to cry on and he is a great support to me. I'm sure that I'm not the easiest person to live with, but that doesn't stop Jon from loving me. He is patient and kind and he does his best to try and understand me. I appreciate all of his hard work and I am so grateful that he works so hard, so that even now while I don't have kids, I don't have to work. It will be wonderful someday, when I can be home with my own kids. Thanks for eight wonderful years. I look forward to spending the next eight years and eternity with you. I love you lots!

My sweetheart!
Happy Anniversary! I hope you will get to add to your wonderful family very soon!!
Happy belated anniversary!!
Congratulations! I can't believe it's been eight years either..WOW!
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