Sophie had a fun first birthday. It was a busy day, but I think she really enjoyed it.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Happy Birthday Sophie!
I can't believe my baby girl is one. This past year has flown by so quickly. I've really been missing my little baby, but truly enjoying my little toddler. She is so much fun and she makes me laugh every day. She has such a fun personality and she truly makes my life so happy. I couldn't imagine my life without my little Sophie. Happy Birthday baby girl!
Some cute pictures that grandpa took of Sophie while she was still in her pjs. I just love the chubby thighs!

Grandpa Reed and Daddy took Sophie to the park while I was at work. Sophie loves the slide and swings. She got to swing with daddy and grandpa.
My cute birthday girl!
I love the cheesy grin! Grandpa Reed gave Sophie her very own camping chair. She loved it! However, I put her in the chair the next day and she tried to get out and fell on her face with the chair landing on top of her. Ever since then, she hasn't liked her chair as much. I'm sure she'll learn to love it again.
Uncle Nick and Aunt Ashley gave Sophie her own watering can, shovel and rake, so now she can help mommy with the gardening.
Two new outifts from mommy and daddy. They were on sale at Gymboree and I just couldn't pass them up. They will be perfect for this fall.

Playing with her little farm that the Camps gave her. The barn is soft and has four animals inside; a cow, a duck, a pig and a rooster. All four animals have a button that you can push and they make a sound. Sophie loves the duck!
Grandpa and Grandma Reed gave Sophie a pail with a shovel and she absolutely loved it. She stood up and swung her bucket around while trying to sing. What a funny girl!
Sophie with her bucket.
Cute birthday girl with all of her fun toys. She got some tub toys and a one piece summer outfit from Uncle Nick and Aunt Ashley along with a pink hat with brown flowers from her cousin Avery. The hat was Avery's when she was younger and she wanted Sophie to have it. Thanks Avery! She also got some alphabet blocks and a board book from Uncle Scott and Aunt Nicole. From Grandma and Grandpa Reed she got the pail and shovel, a butterfly pillow pet, her camping chair and watering can and tools. We got her the two dresses with sweaters, sidewalk chalk, a big bag of Mega Bloks, a beach towel and some splash balls for the pool and of course two pairs of shoes. What a spoiled little girl!
Grandpa Reed knows how to decorate cakes, so I asked him if he would decorate a mini cake for Sophie. I have a mini bundt cake pan, so we decided to make Sophie a doll cake. It was so warm in the house when my dad decorated the cake, that the frosting melted a little, but Sophie didn't seem to care. I thought the cake turned out so cute! Thanks Dad for decorating the cake.
Sophie getting so excited to eat her cake.
She didn't quite know what to do at first. In fact, she just played with the dolls hair. Jon cut a piece off the cake and gave Sophie a taste. Once she realized it was yummy and she could eat it, she dug right in. I think she ate more frosting than cake.
Oh so yummy!
She dug her fingers into the frosting several times and she'd eat a handful of frosting. Yum! She sure had fun!
You know it was good if it's all down the tummy and on the diaper. It was definitely time for a bath after that birthday cake.
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Logan got that same barn set for Christmas a couple of years ago. He STILL loves to play with those animals. His favorites are the duck and cow!
What a fun day! She's so cute and I love those chunky legs :)
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