Sophie is getting so big. She is almost 17 months old and I can't even believe it. Time has just flown by and my baby girl is no longer a baby. She had her first dentist appointment on August 29th and she did so well. She has 12 teeth and just this past week two more teeth broke through. She is getting her fang teeth on the top and bottom on the right side. The first two days were a little rough, she had a little bit of a fever and she was in pain, so we gave her some Tylenol. After two days I assumed the fevers would go away, but they didn't, it lasted a whole week. I think she must have gotten a bug because she was so clingy, she wanted to be held all the time and she wanted her pacifier constantly. She is doing much better and is back to her normal self, except that she has a cough now.

Sophie's hair is getting so long. One day I realized that her hair looked a little shaggy so I decided to try putting in little piggy tails and she looked so cute. She does a pretty good job of letting me put the pig tails in, but she is good at pulling them out at any given time, especially if she's bored and doesn't have much to do (when she's in her carseat.)

The little stinker pulling her pig tails out while I'm trying to take a picture of her.

Sophie is talking so much now and she can say several words. Her first word was Dada of course, but she does say mama quite a bit. She says "Sisi" for Elsie, "Papa" for grandpa, "babby" for apple, "cl, cl" for clock, "ha, ha" for hot, hot, she says cars but sometimes it sounds like she's saying guys, she can say mouth and moon and they almost sound the same, she says poopy and when we ask her where her poopy is she points to her bum, she says puppy, and she has a push toy car that we call her beep, beep and just last week she started to say beep, beep. She says baby and she knows "ka, ka" for the garbage and for under the sink. We have a lot of cleaners under the bathroom sink, so I told her that it's ka, ka so she won't play there, so now she opens the cupboard and says ka, ka. She says it about the toilet paper too, which is funny, I think it's because I told her the toilet is ka, ka.

One afternoon I invited Elsie to come over and play with Sophie, so I put on the Disney Oceans video for the girls while they played. They looked so cute sitting on the couch watching the show. When I checked on them, Sophie was pulling off Elsie's socks and then she pulled off her own socks. She doesn't seem to like wearing socks very much and apparently she doesn't like other people to wear socks either.

Pulling off Elsie's sock.

She was being silly and put a piece of her banana on top of her head. She is still a picky eater, but I keep hoping that one of these days she'll start to eat better. She loves yogurt and that's about the only food I know she'll eat every day. She eats chicken nuggets, cheese, mac and cheese, fruit (apples, bananas, pears, peaches and grapes) but it does depend on the day as to what fruit she'll eat. This past week while she was sick, she wasn't eating much at all and I was getting worried, because she is getting thin. At her 15 month appointment, she was 20.6 pounds, which puts her in the 10% for weight. She gained less than half a pound between 12 and 15 months. That's not very good! We keep praying that she'll start to try new foods, in the mean time, we continue giving her new things hoping that she'll try them. Maybe one of these days she'll just surprise us. She did eat well today, which was wonderful. I can tell she is feeling much better.

I watched Elsie one afternoon while Rita did some shopping. It must have been an off day, because the girls didn't take a very long nap. Neither of them wanted much to eat before their nap, so I warmed up some chicken nuggets for the two of them and they sat on the kitchen floor eating nuggets.

These two are quite a pair. Elsie loves to give Sophie hugs and for the longest time Sophie hated it, and she would hit Elsie in the face. Now Sophie likes to give Elsie hugs and Elsie isn't always a fan. Obviously she didn't want a hug this time.

My cute girl in her I love Hot Chocolate pajamas. She just had a bath and was playing with Daddy.

I love this pictrure. This is what Sophie wore to church on Sunday. She looked so cute! I love the boots too. Thanks Rita for letting us borrow them. I saw the boots at a garage sale, but never got to try them on Sophie, so I didn't buy them. They were brand new Baby Gap boots and they were Sophie's size. Anyway, I went home and called Rita to tell her about the garage sale, and I told her about the boots. By the time Rita got to the house, everything was 50% off, so the $10 Baby Gap boots were $5. When she called and told me that she bought them for $5 I almost died. I couldn't believe it. I was so bummed! I loved the boots and wanted to buy them for Sophie. Well, Rita is the best and she told me that we could share the boots, that way we could get some use out of them. Well, we have the boots right now and Sophie loves to wear them. I love putting them on her, especially when she's wearing a skirt or dress. She's such a stylish little girl.
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