Before we went to Utah, we ordered a push/ride toy for Sophie. Our friends the Anderson's, bought one for their daughter, Elsie, who is also Sophie's good friend.

This is one of the first pictures of Sophie riding on her new toy.

Here she is standing behind the beep, beep. She didn't know how to walk with it at first, she could only stand. Every time she'd try to push it, she'd push it as far as she could without face planting on the floor. She didn't know how to move her feet.

Just another cute picture of Sophie on her beep, beep.

Giving her puppy a ride.

Stylin' girl on her bike. I love the glasses!

Giving her favorite toys a ride; Hope bear, her puppy who is nameless and her Care Bear Love Alot.

I just love the look on her face. She finally learned how to walk with the beep, beep. When she first started walking with it, I had to control the speed, but within two days she had it mastered. She learns so quickly, I just can't believe how fast she is growing.

Sophie and Elsie trying to ride the beep, beep together. Sophie wasn't enjoying herself very much, and she kept hitting the back of Elsie's head. Poor Elsie!

Giving Elsie a ride on the beep, beep. I had to help Sophie push, but she did it.

Sophie now knows how to push Elsie on the beep, beep all by herself. She's so strong! We got the name beep, beep from the Anderson's, because that's what they call Elsie's toy. Both of the girls love their beep, beep. Sophie has to push hers every morning after breakfast. I'm afraid she is going to be walking on her own before too long, she's getting lots of practice with this toy.
What a cutie! I can't believe she's moving around so much all by herself! Miss you guys! Love ya!
So fun. She is growing up too fast.
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