Easter fun started Saturday morning with Sophie's Easter basket. She got a pink lamb, a small white lamb, a purple bunny, two "cha, cha" eggs and some building blocks. She actually picked out her pink lamb at Target a few weeks before. She was quite excited to see it again. She's sure had fun playing with her new toys.

We had an Easter egg hunt for Sophie in the living room. The eggs were empty, but we thought it would be fun to have her crawl around and find the eggs. I actually had to help her find the eggs. Once she found the first egg, she wanted to sit and play with it, she wasn't interested in finding the rest. Here she is just before the egg hunt; all ready with her basket.

Finding her first egg.

Hiding in the diaper caddy.

And on the entertainment center. So many eggs!

My basket full of eggs! Didn't I do a great job? I found so many pretty eggs.

Grandma Reed bought Sophie's Easter dress, and of course I tried to get several pictures of her, but again, she didn't want to hold still. She looked so pretty in her new dress. I had to take the pictures inside, even though it was a nice day. The weather was beautiful, but a little cool before church. I knew I wouldn't be able to get any pictures after church, because Sophie would be ready for a nap, and she was. She fell asleep in the car on the way home from church.

My beautiful Easter girl!

Sophie went down for a nap as soon as we got home from church, so Grandma Reed, Jon and I got to enjoy a peaceful, relaxing Easter dinner while Sophie took a nap. It was so nice to be able to eat without having to worry about Sophie. After her nap, we went to the park to enjoy the warm weather. Sophie had so much fun swinging!

Look at that big smile. She loves being outside, it's all a new adventure for her. I can't wait until the weather is nice enough that we can go outside everyday. It's been cold and rainy most of the time. Where is the sun?

A few weeks ago I set Sophie down on the grass for the first time and I found out very quickly, that she doesn't like the grass. If you can get her to sit, she immediately starts to cry and does everything she can to try and get off the grass. Now when I try to set her on the grass, she holds on to me as tight as she can. She does not like the grass. Sunday while we were at the park, I actually got her to sit on the grass with me. She didn't like it, but she didn't cry. While she was standing, she'd only stand on one foot. Here is a picture of her standing on one foot. Even when she was sitting, she'd hold up one of her legs to keep it off of the grass. What a silly girl! Hopefully she'll like the grass next year.
1 comment:
Easter is so fun with kids!
I love Sophie's dress.
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